Integrity Homes has confirmed cyber criminals are advertising jobs within Facebook to lure victims via private messaging and purporting to be Integrity Homes recruiters advertising work-from-home jobs.
These job scams have occurred in private chats or Facebook Marketplace posts, soliciting users to private message the scammer who posts the job opening. In several cases, the scammer appears to have compromised legitimate Facebook users and then targeted their direct connections.
Victims are privately lured into installing a messaging app (e.g., Telegram or WhatsApp) and sharing additional details in order to receive and sign what appears as an official Integrity Homes job offer (fake offer contains logos, falsified certificate, correct corporate addresses, and signature lines).
Victims have been asked to create accounts at “” and other fraudulent websites.
Note that Integrity Homes only posts official job postings on reputable job sites, never social media. Integrity Homes will never ask you for money for certificates or job opportunities. Integrity Homes is not part of a larger national or multinational corporation, we are a family owned and operated company in the DC metro area.
Integrity Homes encourages users to be aware of these scams and to implement best practices to lower cyber risk, including but not limited to the following guidance specific to tactics, techniques, and procedures for this scam:
Always verify offers by looking up a job opening on an organization’s official website and contacting the company directly instead of going through social media contacts that could be abused as part of a scam.
Be highly skeptical of any job posting or solicitation that does not come from an official source, even if it appears to come from a trusted source in social media.
Listen to your intuition. If it doesn’t feel right, you should probably not proceed. Real recruiters will call you, email, or set up an interview call at their expense without any concern – they are set up for it if they are a recruiter.
If you’ve been a victim of this fake job scam, we encourage you to visit the Facebook Help Center and report the incident to them. The Federal Trade Commission also offers helpful advice and access to resources if you believe you’ve been a victim of identity theft.
Integrity Homes has notified Facebook, local, and federal law enforcement of the scam and will continue to investigate and monitor the situation.
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